Russell Conjugation

When we choose different words to describe the same thing, depending on how favorable we want to be to it, that is a Russell Conjugation.

Rather than clarify, Russell or Emotive Conjugations add bias and typically are intended to influence the way you think about something. They not only provide a fact, but the writer or speakers opinion of the fact. Consider the following example, all describing a businesswoman:

  • She is motivated, she is driven, she is ruthless

  • She is detail oriented, she won’t miss anything, she is OCD

  • She is independent, she is eccentric, she is an isolationist

  • She reconsidered, she changed her mind, she can’t make up her mind

In business, we should to pay attention to how someone is describing something. It make us aware of efforts to influence us, and tell us what the speaker or writer may think of the thing they are describing.


Unintended Consequences

